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Extremely Hard History Quiz, most people score only 3 out of 10.

Question 1
What was the code name of the spy planes flown over Russia in 1959?
Question 2
In November of 1961 the United Nations voted to ban what?
Question 3
In which year did Rudolph W. Giuliani become mayor of New York City?
Question 4
Who was Harry Truman's Vice President?
Question 5
What was John Milton of England famous for?
Question 6
Who directed the 1947 film, Brighton Rock?
Question 7
In what city did Charles raise his standard, starting the civil war?
Question 8
Where did Winston Churchill deliver his Iron Curtain speech?
Question 9
A treaty to establish the European Economic Community was signed in which city in 1957?
Question 10
How did the former President of Egypt, Anwar Sadat, meet his end?
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